Southside AFJROTC


Whether you're a returning cadet or new to JROTC, this website has everything you need to succeed in JROTC...except one thing: YOUR HARD WORK!

JROTC Latest Events

 Let's make this a great year!

Considering JROTC?  Watch this short video!!

Our Great JROTC FAMILY!!.mov

Ask your school counselor about signing up TODAY!

Message from the Instructors:

Thank you for visiting our website! Cadets should (and parents are welcome to) visit the cadet information page at least weekly to stay up to date on the uniform schedule and bulletin announcements.

As instructors, we are committed to having a positive impact on each one of our cadets, Southside High School and our community--while making SHS AFJROTC the best unit in the United States!  If your student is enrolled in JROTC or is considering the program, please contact us.

You can call or email us any time or contact us to schedule a meeting.

SMSgt Cedrick Powell,, 864-355-8765

2020 Recruiting Brochure v1.pdf

2022-23 Recruiting Brochure